Decisions affecting your financial future are amongst the most important you’ll ever make, so we’ll give you all the time and attention you need, starting with an exploratory first fact-finding meeting here, at our offices, at our expense. Once we fully understand your situation, we shall write to you setting out what work is required and what the cost will be. That way, you can make an informed decision in the peace, quiet and privacy of your own home. We never ask clients to sign client and fee agreements on our premises.
We are not expensive, we deliver value, and our FairFees Promise makes West Riding one of the UK’s most competitive firms of its type. We provide all advice in writing and we are happy to work with your solicitor, accountant, or other professional advisors to ensure our advice fits with theirs. Our company motto is ‘Honest Advice in Plain English’ as it says on our notepaper and signage.
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